“Honey may be nature’s safest over-the-counter cough and cold treatment and its most potent antibiotic,” notes Dr. Lawrence Rosen, New York-based pediatrician and co-author of the new book “Treatment Alternatives for Children: Reduce Serious Side Effects with Natural Equivalents to Conventional Remedies for Common Childhood Ailments.” Dr. Rosen adds, “Best of all, honey does not have the potentially dangerous side effects of conventional medications.”
Parents concerned about the overuse of antibiotics and other prescription medicines are in search of treatment alternatives that address common childhood health concerns without exposing children to chemical cocktails. “Treatment Alternatives for Children” offers side-by-side comparisons between conventional and alternative treatment options for nearly 100 common childhood illnesses including:
Cranberries which are often used to treat urinary tract infections may also offer protection against heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Aloe provides topical relief for skin problems such as minor burns or sunburns. It can also help heal cuts, blisters, and open sores. Taken internally, aloe soothes the digestive tract. Ginger, known to settle an upset stomach, provides relief from nausea and indigestion. Ginger is an antibacterial, antifungal, and antihistamine, so it is helpful in treating colds and allergies. It is an anti-inflammatory, so it may also treat symptoms of arthritis.Co-author Jeff Cohen has a keen interest in holistic medicine. He first felt the need for an alternative to prescription treatment when his son was diagnosed with seasonal allergies. Cohen turned to his children’s pediatrician, Dr. Rosen. “Rather than immediately prescribing a potentially harmful drug, I seriously consider each child’s unique situation and the safest, most effective solution,” explained Dr. Rosen. He added, “Often, this prescription is all-natural and can be found in your kitchen cabinet.” Impressed by the effectiveness of these holistic solutions, Cohen teamed with Dr. Rosen to publish “Treatment Alternatives for Children.”
This new book is an easily accessible reference guide that helps parents find natural solutions to nearly 100 childhood ailments. Health concerns addressed include asthma, ADHD, autism, dehydration, the flu, swimmer’s ear, burns, bug bites, stomach aches, growing pains, and more. Treatment alternatives include herbal, nutritional, homeopathic, and mind-body remedies and the authors provide side-by-side comparisons of the conventional remedy and the treatment alternative. Dr. Rosen documents the science behind his recommendations so parents can rest assured they are treating their children with safe and effective alternatives to conventional medicines.
Each ailment is discussed in-depth and includes:
The generic and common brand names of each treatmentActive ingredientsHow each treatment works including dosage, where applicableTreatment efficiency and timingCommon mild and rare side effectsThe book also includes helpful top ten treatment lists, including Ten Spice Rack Resources, Ten Curative Foods and Beverages, and Ten Healing Herbs and Plants, all supported by the most current scientific research.
The authors report that their book is endorsed by household name medical professionals including Dr. Alan Greene and Dr. Bob Sears, with a forward by Deirdre Imus, Treatment Alternatives for Children is revolutionary, taking a look at the health of the “whole child” and encompassing both a pediatrician’s and parent’s perspectives. The book is a contemporary resource for parents seeking natural remedies for the health of their children.
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